The Artist

Christine Boswijk

There is a haunting beauty and spiritual quality in the highly acclaimed ceramics of Christine Boswijk singly or in groups, her abstract sculptural images have presence which evokes feelings rather than a specific narrative. They act as triggers for viewers who bring their own personal experiences and stories to them.
Helen Schamroth, 100 New Zealand Craft Artists, 1998

The main concern in my work is that which goes beyond form and space – rather more the “Poetics” of space – that zone between what we see and recognise, as apposed to how we respond within our poetic imagination and individual consciousness.
Christine Boswijk

Tough and fragile are her pieces. The edges are so delicate you instinctively reach out for the sheer pleasure of touching something so fine, realizing afterward that it’s exactly what she wants you to understand—that it is possible to touch something fragile without destroying it.
Claudia Cusano, NUVO, 2007

I want each piece to trigger memories and ideas, to initiate some inner voyage of thought through the emotional response to the work.
Christine Boswijk